Hi my friends, welcome back! Welcome to our dream bigger and find inspiration page! Let’s start off by asking this question, What aspires you all to dream, and where or what is your inspiration?
In fact, let me tell you about my dream and who inspired me. First, my dream is to be a successful real estate agent one day. Now the reason for this dream is I wanted to step out of my comfort zone and I wanted to be different than my family. Like in my family we have doctors, lawyers, police officers, and a lot in the service. Again I wanted to be different and step outside the box that’s why this is one of my many dreams.
Who is my Inspiration
Additionally, this person aspires to me so much in life, this amazing person has so many roles. He is doing comedian, television presenter, and radio personality the one and only Steve Harvey. Now you’re wondering why Steve Harvey. Because he started from the hard bottom plus he is such an inspiration to others that are trying to be successful. I know it’s a lot of successful people started from the bottom.
Moreover, Mr. Harvey started from nothing and he become the person he is today. He has so much wisdom and advice about life, success, and dreams that he is spreading around the world.
Quotes from Steve Harvey
The first one is “ If you never take chances in life, you will never have the life that God has for you.” The second one is “ A person has to remember that the road to success is always under construction. You have to get that through your head, that it is not easy becoming successful.” Now the third one which is one of my favorites “ Your dream has to be bigger than all your fears.”
Furthermore, I believe everyone can learn from Steve Harvey and other successful people. Plus another person I look up to which I look up to a lot of wise successful people. Oprah Winfrey has two quotes that I just love, “ Turn your wounds into wisdom.” I have learned that I have a lot of wounds that I need to turn into wisdom as Mrs. Oprah says.
Next one, Challenges are gifts that force us to search for a new center of gravity.” So with that being said my friends try searching for what makes you happy and that you really love doing and go for it!
The Person I Hold Dear to my Heart
Finally, this person I hold dear to my heart is my Dad. It’s sad to say but my Dad is no longer with us but, we know he is in a better place watching over us. That’s why I look back at everything he accomplished and this is why I dream big and have so much inspiration! In fact, that’s why I’ll keep working hard to accomplish all my dreams and goals, to make my dad proud of all the accomplishments I have done. Just remember NEVER NEVER I MEAN NEVER GIVE UP on your dreams and goals. Let’s light up the world with everything we can accomplish!
Please keep coming back friends for more deals, gifts, and inspiration! Also Happy Holidays to everyone and Happy New Year!