Your Journey To Health & Wellness 

Hello everyone, welcome back to our page. Now we are going to be talking about health and wellness. It’s an online business that offers products like jewelry and solutions that can protect and maintain your optimal health. Because it’s a lot of things that can mess up your and your family’s health and wellness. With that being said it’s been a lot of research about EMF and its effects on us as humans.

What is EMF and the Symptoms

EMF is an electromagnetic field that is electrical activity produced by non-electrical sources that are measured by volts. Now a little more information about electromagnetic fields are literal rays of energy that puncture your body, brain, and organs. So it’s a good idea to get protection for you, your family, and your friends. 


  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Stress
  • Fatigue

Skin Symptoms 

  • Pricking 
  • Burning sensations
  • Rashes
  • Pain and aches in muscles 

Definition of EMF ( Electromagnetic Field) 

A field of force that consists of both electric and magnetic components, resulting from the motion of an electric charge and containing a definite amount of electromagnetic energy.

How to Protect from EMF 

This amazing online business makes products that help with healing and protecting you from EMF. At restore my spectrum their goal is to better your health and your family’s health too. But they’re not experts but do work with great scientists, inventors, and other experts that are in the field. Let’s be honest I really think they have the best effective products for healing plus products to protect you. Just naming a few products they have a radiation dosimeter detector, a large arc disc, necklaces and so much more.

How Chi – O is Made 


Chi-0 is made by listening to their customer. Their customers loved their jewelry but wanted it to look more like a pendant. So they have luxurious EMF protection jewelry that’s beautiful and the finishes last. One of my favorites is the Life Tree crystal stone necklace so beautiful!! A little fun health and wellness fact is that Chi – O is designed to protect from EMF pollution which is very harmful to your and families health. Chi – O is a collaboration between Don Paris and inventor artist Mark Lee so very talented people. 

Additional information is located on EMF Protection to learn more about the electromagnetic field.

Again like I always say thank you for checking out our page. And while you are here explore the other pages for rocking deals and big saves that you your family plus your friends will love. Also if you are new to your online community welcome and you will fall in love with the things found here!!